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Installation Instructions


Set the ENV variable ROSETTA_DRIVERS to point to the location of your JDBC drivers.

export ROSETTA_DRIVERS=<path_to_jdbc_drivers>


export ROSETTA_DRIVERS=/Users/adaptivescale/drivers/*

rosetta binary

  1. Download the rosetta binary for the supported OS (releases page). rosetta-<version> rosetta-<version> rosetta-<version> rosetta-<version>
  2. Unzip the downloaded file
  3. Run rosetta commands using ./rosetta which is located inside bin directory.
  4. Create new project using rosetta init command:
   rosetta init database-migration

The rosetta init command will create a new rosetta project within database-migration directory containing the main.conf (for configuring the connections to data sources).

  1. Configure connections in main.conf example: connections for postgres and mysql
# If your rosetta project is linked to a Git repo, during apply you can automatically commit/push the new version of your model.yaml
# The default value of git_auto_commit is false
git_auto_commit: false 
  - name: mysql
    databaseName: sakila
    dbType: mysql
    url: jdbc:mysql://root:sakila@localhost:3306/sakila
    userName: root
    password: sakila
  - name: pg
    databaseName: postgres
    schemaName: public
    dbType: postgres
    url: jdbc:postgresql://localhost:5432/postgres?user=postgres&password=sakila
    userName: postgres
    password: sakila
  1. Extract the schema from postgres and translate it to mysql:
   rosetta extract -s pg -t mysql

The extract command will create two directories pg and mysql. pg directory will have the extracted schema from Postgres DB. The mysql directory will contain the translated YAML which is ready to be used in MySQL DB.

  1. Migrate the translated schema to MySQL DB:
   rosetta apply -s mysql

The apply command will migrate the translated Postgres schema to MySQL.

RosettaDB CLI JAR and RosettaDB Source

Setting Up the CLI JAR (Optional)

  1. Download the rosetta CLI JAR (releases page)
  2. Create an alias command
alias rosetta='java -cp "<path_to_our_cli_jar>:<path_to_our_drivers>" com.adaptivescale.rosetta.cli.Main'


alias rosetta='java -cp "/Users/adaptivescale/cli-1.0.0.jar:/Users/adaptivescale/drivers/*" com.adaptivescale.rosetta.cli.Main'

Note: If we are using the cli JAR file, we need to specify the location of the JDBC drivers (directory). See the Getting Started section.

Build from the source (Optional)

gradle binary:runtimeZip