Installation Instructions
Set the ENV variable ROSETTA_DRIVERS
to point to the location of your JDBC drivers.
export ROSETTA_DRIVERS=<path_to_jdbc_drivers>
export ROSETTA_DRIVERS=/Users/adaptivescale/drivers/*
rosetta binary
- Download the rosetta binary for the supported OS (releases page).
rosetta-<version> rosetta-<version> rosetta-<version> rosetta-<version>
- Unzip the downloaded file
- Run rosetta commands using
which is located insidebin
directory. - Create new project using
rosetta init
rosetta init database-migration
The rosetta init
command will create a new rosetta project within database-migration
directory containing the main.conf
(for configuring the connections to data sources).
- Configure connections in
example: connections for postgres and mysql
# If your rosetta project is linked to a Git repo, during apply you can automatically commit/push the new version of your model.yaml
# The default value of git_auto_commit is false
git_auto_commit: false
- name: mysql
databaseName: sakila
dbType: mysql
url: jdbc:mysql://root:sakila@localhost:3306/sakila
userName: root
password: sakila
- name: pg
databaseName: postgres
schemaName: public
dbType: postgres
url: jdbc:postgresql://localhost:5432/postgres?user=postgres&password=sakila
userName: postgres
password: sakila
- Extract the schema from postgres and translate it to mysql:
rosetta extract -s pg -t mysql
The extract command will create two directories pg
and mysql
. pg
directory will have the extracted schema
from Postgres DB. The mysql
directory will contain the translated YAML which is ready to be used in MySQL DB.
- Migrate the translated schema to MySQL DB:
rosetta apply -s mysql
The apply command will migrate the translated Postgres schema to MySQL.
RosettaDB CLI JAR and RosettaDB Source
Setting Up the CLI JAR (Optional)
- Download the rosetta CLI JAR (releases page)
- Create an alias command
alias rosetta='java -cp "<path_to_our_cli_jar>:<path_to_our_drivers>" com.adaptivescale.rosetta.cli.Main'
alias rosetta='java -cp "/Users/adaptivescale/cli-1.0.0.jar:/Users/adaptivescale/drivers/*" com.adaptivescale.rosetta.cli.Main'
Note: If we are using the cli JAR file, we need to specify the location of the JDBC drivers (directory). See the Getting Started section.
Build from the source (Optional)
gradle binary:runtimeZip